Dosimetric monitoring of medical personnel radiation safety: Radiation and Nuclear Medicine Center in Tbilisi


Dosimetric monitoring of medical personnel radiation safety: Radiation and Nuclear Medicine Center in Tbilisi. / G. Shanidze. / Nano Studies. – 2021–2022. – # 21/22. – pp. 223-266. – geo. A direct result of the recent rapid development in medical technologies is the increasing use of radiation in medicine for both diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. Accordingly, the risks of exposure not only to patients, but also to medical personnel themselves increase. The development of measures to reduce and prevent the noted risks should be based on an assessment of the state of radiation safety of medical personnel with the help of its detailed and credible monitoring. This paper, which is a Master Thesis publication, aims to study dosimetric monitoring of the radiation safety of medical personnel in the case of one specific medical institution, the Center for Radiation and Nuclear Medicine – CRNM (Tbilisi, Georgia). The introduction characterizes the problem of radiation safety of medical personnel in general. The literature review is devoted to the radiation safety monitoring in medical institutions. Then an outline of procedures for radiation diagnostics and radiation therapy in clinics, including CRNM, are carried out. There are described the dosimetric tools for monitoring the radiation safety and the dosimeters and isotope sources of radiation used at CRNM, as well as presented and analyzed the results of monitoring the radiation safety of the CRNM personnel in 2016 – 2020. Main results of the work are summarized in the form of conclusions. The minimum, average and maximum annual radiation doses received by the staff of the Center for Radiation and Nuclear Medicine were found to be 0.056, 2.076 and 7.600 mSv, respectively. One can say that this monitoring gives values ​​of the same order as other monitorings carried out all over the world. Although, the results of this Center are somewhat overestimated. Fig. 5, Tab. 7, Ref. 23.