Nanocomposite hydrogels and their application for environmental remediation: In review


Nanocomposite hydrogels and their application for environmental remediation: In review. / H. Kurama. – 2021–2022. – # 21/22. – pp. 147-162. – eng. Over the last years, nanotechnology has been implemented in almost all branches of human live. Until now, numerous nanomaterials have produced and used to eliminate inorganic and organic species from wastewater effluents, in many cases, these are found more efficient than the conventional adsorbents. Within these attempts, hydrogels as a group of polymeric materials have received high interest in recent years. The hydrophilic structure of which renders them capable of holding large amounts of water in their three-dimensional networks. The extensive employment of these products in a number of industrial and environmental areas has considered being of prime importance. In this paper, the fundamental concepts, classification, physical and chemical characteristics, production methods and technical feasibility of their utilization is reviewed based on the composite hydrogel. A special attention has given to utilization of them for wastewater purification especially for the effluent received from textile industry. Fig. 7, Ref. 52.