Iron–nickel alloy additive effect on composite materials obtaining and properties


Iron–nickel alloy additive effect on composite materials obtaining and properties. / L. Rurua. / Nano Studies. – 2021–2022. – # 21/22. – pp. 83-90. – geo. The study aims to determine the iron–nickel FeNi alloy additive effect on the Ti–Al–Mg–Si–B–C system, in particular, TiB2–TiC–SiC based unalloyed and AlMgB14 compound alloyed, composite materials. The samples, both with and without the addition of FeNi alloy to these composites, were prepared by the spark-plasma synthesis method. Their structure and properties were compared. When FeNi alloy is added, the composite can be sintered at a lower temperature, which reduces electricity costs. At the same time, the porosity of the composite is also reduced, since the grains of FeNi are placed between the grains of the composite basis and thus fill the existing pores. Fig. 6, Tab. 3.