Preparation of graphene oxide composites containing nanometals and oxides from graphite foil wastes and study of their biocidal activity


Preparation of graphene oxide composites containing nanometals and oxides from graphite foil wastes and study of their biocidal activity/ T. Dundua. / Nano Studies. – 2021–2022. – # 21/22. – pp. 91-110. – eng. Graphene oxide (GO) is obtained using improved Hummers method by oxidation of powdered graphite foil wastes (pGFW) at low (~ 0 °C) and relatively high (~ 50 °C) temperatures. GO–Me(NO3)x complexes are synthesized by the interaction of GO and metal nitrates; further heat treatment in vacuum (exfoliation) leads to the production of composites containing reduced graphene oxide (rGO), nano-sized metals (Cu and Ag), and oxide (Fe2O3). The rGO–TiO2 (nano)composite was obtained by hydrolysis of titanium alkoxide and subsequent heat treatment in the presence of GO. Composites have been shown to have high antibacterial activity both against gram-positive and negative bacteria. Fig. 14, Ref. 52.