Obtaining thin film semiconductor oxides by stimulated plasma anodizing technology and their studying


Obtaining thin film semiconductor oxides by stimulated plasma anodizing technology and their studying. / A. Bibilashvili, N. Dolidze, Z. Jibuti. / Nano Studies. – 2021–2022. – # 21/22. – pp. 23-38. – geo. The work is devoted to development of the technology of obtaining thin oxide films by stimulated plasma anodization and investigation of their physical properties by Professor Alex Gerasimov and his colleagues. Low-temperature methods of obtaining oxide films of metals and semiconductors, which use solid catalysts (rare earth metals) and ultraviolet light, are discussed. Electrophysical, optical and dielectric properties of obtained oxides are studied. The physical mechanism of the plasma anodization process stimulated by the action of solid catalyst and ultraviolet light in the plasma anodization process is proposed. It is shown that the following special properties of the catalyst are decisive for the solid-state catalytic plasma anodization process: presence of low-energy empty electronic orbitals and low electronegativity compared to the material to be oxidized. When stimulated by ultraviolet light, additional electrons are transferred from a bonding energy band to an antibonding one, which weakens the chemical bonds in the material to be oxidized and facilitates its atoms movement. The optimal technological modes of the stimulated plasma anodization process are determined. The possibility of using oxide films obtained by such technology to create elements of integrated circuits is discussed. Fig. 13, Tab. 1, Ref. 15.
